Per lo studio delle circolazioni artistiche e culturali nella Penisola iberica nel Medioevo: la riscoperta di un frammento giuridico miniato bolognese conservato nella Biblioteca Pública di Évora fra storia, storia dell’arte e archeologia del libro

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The systematic study of illuminated juridical manuscripts held in the libraries of Portugal, conducted in the context of a post-doctoral research project funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), was the occasion for new analyses and an in-depth study of an interesting set of illuminated juridical fragments in the collection of the Biblioteca Pública of Évora. Among these disiecta membra codi- cum, a fragment belonging to the group called Pergaminhos fragmentados and marked “doc. 97 Pasta 1” – the subject of this paper–provides some useful considerations to help clarify the framework of cultural ties that linked Portugal to the Italian Peninsula in the Middle Ages, and additionally shed light on the dynamics and methods of artistic, cultural and juridical exchange that linked these two regions at this time.
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)307-341
Number of pages35
JournalMediaeval Sophia
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventO estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na Arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparação - FCSH, Ed. ID, Sala 0.06, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 13 Feb 2015 → …


  • illuminated fragments
  • Bolognese illumination
  • artistic circulations
  • cultural exchanges
  • Medieval Portugal
  • juridical manuscripts

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