Pensamento e Escritos (Pós) Coloniais

Translated title of the contribution: (Post) Colonial Thought and Writings

Maria João Castro (Editor/Coordinator)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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O volume resulta da Conferência «Pensamento e Escritos (Pós) Coloniais» que teve lugar no dia 20 de abril de 2016 na FCSH/NOVA, e contém os textos de Adriano Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Helder Macedo e José-Augusto França, bem como a súmula do debate subsequente.
Nomes incontornáveis nas áreas da política, ensaio, literatura e história da arte, os quatro autores pensaram e escreveram sobre o colonialismo português, triangulando a reflexão arte/política/império num testemunho singular de olhares que se cruzam e articulam entre si.

This volume contains the proceedings from the conference entitled (Post) Colonial Thought and Writings held on 20th April 2016 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It includes papers by Adriano Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Helder Macedo and José- Augusto França as well as a summary of the discussion that followed.
The four authors, all leading figures in the areas of politics, essays, literature and the history of art, reflected on and wrote about Portuguese colonialism, triangulating art, politics and empire in a unique testimony of perspectives and views that interweave and interconnect.
Translated title of the contribution(Post) Colonial Thought and Writings
Original languageMultiple languages
Place of PublicationLisboa
Number of pages70
ISBN (Print)978-989-99719-0-5
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series



  • Colonial and post-colonial
  • Império Colonial
  • Império Português
  • Arte colonial
  • Colonialismo
  • Pós-colonialismo
  • Colonial art
  • Portuguese Empire
  • Colonial Empire


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