Peer-to-peer multi-period energy market with flexible scheduling on a scalable and cost-effective blockchain

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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) electricity trading is an emerging means for allowing communities to share local energy production and demand response through direct trading. It is projected to play an important role in the future energy market by increasing the incentive to own and operate distributed energy resources (DERs) and participate in demand response (DR). A common approach to implementing P2P trading is with blockchain, however, existing solutions feature limitations. Typically, concerns involve either scalability and high transaction costs or projects implementing a permissioned blockchain that does not provide the trust and decentralization desired. In addition, the majority of market designs are simplified and do not capture the distinct complexity of electricity markets. They do not consider the inter-temporal constraints of appliances and DERs that need to run for multiple periods. Complex market designs that address these issues have not been implemented in blockchain based systems due to the computational limitations of such systems. To improve these two aspects, this paper proposes a market formulation that supports products running multiple periods with flexible scheduling, modeled as a mixed integer linear programming problem that optimizes social welfare. The trading platform is then implemented as a side chain of Polkadot, a network of blockchains designed to be secure, scalable, and economically feasible to foster an ecosystem of application-specific sidechains. This design is demonstrated to improve social welfare and achieve scalability by benchmarking the number of transactions that can be included per second, based upon typical assumptions of the market size. The result is a decentralized and performant system that allows for complex market designs to be implemented in a blockchain environment. This approach simplifies the process for participants, allowing them to bid DER or DR devices, directly and easily, even when this requires constraints across periods.
Original languageEnglish
Article number123331
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalApplied Energy
Early online date10 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2024


  • Blockchain
  • Polkadot
  • Peer-to-peer
  • Energy market
  • Multi-period market
  • Off-chain
  • computation


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