Participatory Budgeting for Housing in Belo Horizonte

Cecília Delgado, Yves Cabannes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Relatively few participatory budgeting experiences are debating initiatives related to the regularization of land tenure, resettlement or the production of
low-income housing, or else these issues are rarely brought to light given that they represent a very small number of projects out of the total, as is the case for
example in Porto Alegre. Nevertheless, PBs have helped to facilitate access to housing for low-income families. The experience of the Participatory Budget
for Housing of Belo Horizonte is probably one of the most original, particularly in the early years, as it paved the way for the production of self-managed
housing, and reinforced ties with cooperativism, two areas that are widely debated by grassroots movements. In light of the quantitative and qualitative housing deficit in Brazil at the end of the 1980s, federal low-income housing policies that were woefully inadequate given the enormous needs, and pressure from social movements fighting for dignified housing, it is particularly instructive to analyze the possible contribution that a municipality can make to find creative solutions. We are focusing our story on the 1996-2004 period, which were the most fertile years, and due to the fact that with the election of President Lula in 2002, the housing issue was again taken up by the national government.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationParticipatory Budgeting: Another city is possible! Alternatives to the city as a commodity
Place of PublicationLausanne, Suíça
PublisherCharles Leopold Foundation
ISBN (Print)978-989-20-5561-9
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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