Overview of mining residues incorporation in construction materials and barriers for full-scale application

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Resources efficiency regarding the decrease of residues generation and disposal are important steps towards a
cleaner production in the construction and mining industry. Minning processes generate huge amounts of residues,
and some deposits have accumulated them over hundreds of years, causing environmental and public health problems. However, mining residues can be recovered as secondary supplies for construction materials production due to its physical, chemical and microstructural properties. This study presents a critical review on sustainable strategies researched to introduce mining residues in the construction sector. The gaps and barriers of these strategies and final products are discussed, concerning a safe and sustainable inclusion of mine residues in construction materials production
Original languageEnglish
Article number101215
JournalJournal of Building Engineering
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


  • Construction product
  • secondary resource
  • alkaline activation
  • artificial pozzolan
  • electroremediation


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