Overview of beneficial effects of (Poly)phenol metabolites in the context of neurodegenerative diseases on model organisms

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The rise of neurodegenerative diseases in an aging population is an increasing problem of health, social and economic consequences. Epidemiological and intervention studies have demonstrated that diets rich in (poly)phenols can have potent health benefits on cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Meanwhile, the role of gut microbiota is ever more evident in modulating the catabolism of (poly)phenols to dozens of low molecular weight (poly)phenol metabolites that have been identified in plasma and urine. These metabolites can reach circulation in higher concentrations than parent (poly)phenols and persist for longer periods of time. However, studies addressing their potential brain effects are still lacking. In this review, we will discuss different model organisms that have been used to study how low molecular weight (poly)phenol metabolites affect neuronal related mechanisms gathering critical insight on their potential to tackle the major hallmarks of neurodegeneration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2940
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Caenorhabditis elegans
  • Drosophila
  • Human
  • Microbiota
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Phytochemicals
  • Rodents
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Zebrafish


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