Os navios de Lisboa: balanço e perspectivas de investigação

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Since the 1990s ship remains are being identified in Lisbon’s riverfront, in construction works related with urban renewal. The first ones were identified during the expansion of the subway in Corpo Santo and in the tunnel of Cais do Sodré station. The last ones were discovered and recorded during the construction of the new EDP Head Office and the ships called Boa Vista 1 and Boa Vista 2. Besides the ships several ship timbers reused in the construction of nautical structures or in revetments or waterfront structures as in the case of D. Luis I Square and D. Carlos I avenue were recovered.
With this presentation we intent to make an assessment regarding these findings focusing on several issues including the origin of the archaeological contexts (wreck, abandonment, among others), their chronology and the relationship with the operation of the port of Lisbon in the early-modern period. Aspects related to the shipbuilding and the context of the several ships will also be focused.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationAtas do I Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa
Subtitle of host publicationUm Cidade em Escavação
EditorsAna Caessa, Cristina Nozes, Isabel Cameira, Rodrigo Banha da Silva
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherCentro de Arqueologia de Lisboa (CAL)
Number of pages17
ISBN (Print)978-972-8543-46-4
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventI Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa: Uma cidade em escavação - Teatro Aberto, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 26 Nov 201527 Nov 2015


ConferenceI Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa


  • Lisbon waterfront
  • Port
  • Ships
  • Shipbuilding
  • Early-modern period
  • Lisboa ribeirinha
  • Portos
  • Navios
  • Construção naval
  • Período moderno

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