Optimization of Cuprous Oxides Thin Films to be used as Thermoelectric Touch Detectors

Joana Figueira, Joana Loureiro, José Marques, Catarina Bianchi, Paulo Duarte, Mikko Ruoho, Ilkka Tittonen, Isabel Ferreira

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27 Citations (Scopus)


The electronic and optical properties of p-type copper oxides (CO) strongly depend on the production technique as it influences the obtained phases: cuprous oxide (Cu2O) or cupric oxide (CuO), the most common ones. Cu films deposited by thermal evaporation have been annealed in air atmosphere, with temperature between 225 and 375 °C and time between 1 and 4 h. The resultant CO films have been studied to understand the influence of processing parameters in the thermoelectric, electrical, optical, morphological, and structural properties. Films with a Cu2O single phase are formed when annealing at 225 °C, while CuO single phase films can be obtained at 375 °C. In between, both phases are obtained in proportions that depend on the film thickness and annealing time. The positive sign of the Seebeck coefficient (S), measured at room temperature (RT), confirms the p-type behavior of both oxides, showing values up to 1.2 mV·°C(-1) and conductivity up to 2.9 (Ω·m)(-1). A simple detector using Cu2O have been fabricated and tested with fast finger touch events.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6520-6529
Number of pages10
JournalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 22 Feb 2017


  • copper oxide
  • postdeposition annealing
  • Seebeck
  • thermal evaporation
  • thin films


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