Operational Calculus with Applications to Generalized Two-Sided Fractional Derivative

Gabriel Bengochea, Manuel Ortigueira

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The paper contains the construction of an operational calculus used to solve fractional differential equations based on a generalized two-sided fractional derivative. The Riesz and Feller potential are particular cases of this derivative. It is proved that generalized two-sided fractional derivative is a right shift operator. Our resulting solutions are expressed in terms of series. In some cases the close form is obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA’21)
EditorsAndrzej Dzielinski, Dominik Sierociuk, Piotr Ostalczyk
Place of PublicationCham
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-031-04383-3
ISBN (Print)978-3-031-04382-6
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventInternational Conference on Fractional Calculus and its Applications, 2021 - Virtual, Online
Duration: 6 Sept 20218 Sept 2021

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Networks and Systems
ISSN (Print)2367-3370
ISSN (Electronic)2367-3389


ConferenceInternational Conference on Fractional Calculus and its Applications, 2021
CityVirtual, Online


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