Ontologie des marques de domaines appliquée aux dictionnaires de langue générale

Rute Costa, Sara Carvalho, Ana Salgado, Alberto Simões, Toma Tasovac

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In this article, we present OntoDomLab-Med, a domain label ontology focused on medical and health sciences. We have developed a taxonomy from the labels included in the list of abbreviations of the Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. Our goal is to connect OntoDomLab-Med to a set of selected entries from the dictionary which have been encoded in TEI Lex-0, a stricter and more suitable format than TEI for dictionary encoding, in line with the FAIR principles. The ontology, built with Protégé and represented in OWL, allows the knowledge to be exported using an interoperable exchange format, thereby enabling the ontology to be applied to different lexical resources and to various domains, regardless of the natural language being used.
OntoDomLab-Med will be useful not only to research information by domain but it will also allow the lexicographer to be more consistent in his/her work as both researcher and coder of informaion for lexicographic purposes.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)201-230
Number of pages30
JournalLangue(s) & Parole
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Lexicography
  • Domain Ontology
  • Domain Marks
  • Linguistic Annotation
  • Standards

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