On the influence of lipid-induced optical anisotropy for the bioimaging of exo- or endocytosis with interference microscopic imaging

Dylan M. Marques, A. Miranda, A. G. Silva, P. R. T. Munro, P. A. A. de Beule

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Some implementations of interference microscopy imaging use digital holographic measurements of complex scattered fields to reconstruct three-dimensional refractive index maps of weakly scattering, semi-transparent objects, frequently encountered in biological investigations. Reconstruction occurs through application of the object scattering potential which assumes an isotropic refractive index throughout the object. Here, we demonstrate that this assumption can in some circumstances be invalid for biological imaging due to the presence of lipid-induced optical anisotropy. We show that the nanoscale organization of lipids in the observation of cellular endocytosis with polarized light induces a significant change in far-field scattering. We obtain this result by presenting a general solution to Maxwell's equations describing light scattering of core–shell particles near an isotropic substrate covered with an anisotropic thin film. This solution is based on an extension of the Bobbert–Vlieger solution for particle scattering near a substrate delivering an exact solution to the scattering problem in the near field as well as far field. By applying this solution to study light scattering by a lipid vesicle near a lipid bilayer, whereby the lipids are represented through a biaxial optical model, we conclude through ellipsometry concepts that effective amounts of lipid-induced optical anisotropy significantly alter far-field optical scattering in respect to an equivalent optical model that neglects the presence of optical anisotropy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)150-155
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Microscopy
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2018


  • Endocytosis
  • functional imaging
  • interference microscopy
  • Mie theory
  • optical anisotropy
  • scattering


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