On the Influence of Employment-Breaks on Pension Benefits

Jorge Bravo, José A. Herce

Research output: Working paper

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Workers may experience unemployment spells of varying durations through their working lifecycles. This has strong implications for their income during those periods out of work and this is well known. Less known are the consequences of employment-breaks for the acquisition of pension rights and, consequently, for future initial pensions. Anecdotal evidence, however, is overwhelming that employment-breaks may be both seriously detrimental or very limited for
workers’ future pension rights depending on the pension scheme and/or country where workers generate their retirement pensions. This paper provides simulations of the impact of employment-breaks on initial future pensions in Portugal and Spain. Given the differences and similarities of Social Security arrangements in both countries and worker and break types considered, we can show that some workers may suffer disproportionately from previous employment-breaks while others would hardly suffer any impact on their pensions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstituto BBVA de Pensiones
Number of pages30
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series

NamePapers Mi Jubilación


  • Work careers
  • Employment Breaks
  • Pensions


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