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Translated title of the contribution: From Arrangements to New Compositions: Seventeenth-century French Dance Music in Portuguese and Spanish Keyboard Sources to 1720

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Focussing on four keyboard manuscripts, this article discusses the dissemination, arrangement and adaptation of French-style dance music in Portugal and Spain in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. It highlights the importance of short scores in facilitating its transmission and discusses how adaptations accorded with local tastes and practices.
Translated title of the contributionFrom Arrangements to New Compositions: Seventeenth-century French Dance Music in Portuguese and Spanish Keyboard Sources to 1720
Original languageMultiple languages
Pages (from-to)9-35
Number of pages26
JournalDe musica disserenda
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • Martin y Coll
  • Pedro de Araújo


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