Observação inspirada em revisão por pares: Uma ferramenta estratégica para validar a qualidade da pedagogia

Susana Lopes, Tatiana Sanches

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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The convergence between teacher peer observation in higher education and the peer review process in scientific publishing is explored. We conducted a preliminary study to analyse the strategies used by higher education teachers when evaluating teaching practices through observation, and compared them with the rigorous ones applied by peer reviewers in the context of scientific publication. The core aim is to compare quality practices in two different eco-systems: the academic environment, where teaching methods are observed and evaluated by teaching peers and the field of scientific publishing, where peer reviewers evaluate the quality and originality of research. This study is based on a literature review, framing the analysis in descriptive parameters. The results show similarities in the im-portance of critical reflection and rigorous analysis, evidencing a convergence in participants' perceptions of the need for constructive feedback and specific guidance to promote professional development. Both pro-cesses contribute significantly to quality and progress in their respective spheres, highlighting the importance of effective evaluation practices in academic and scientific environments.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)175-180
Number of pages6
JournalIbersid-revista De Sistemas De Informacion Y Documentacion
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Higher education
  • Peer observation
  • Peer review
  • Quality assurance

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