O Porto patriota e liberal em 'Whispering' (1995) e 'Caterina' (1999), de Jane Aiken Hodge (1917-2009)

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In 2007, within the framework of the bicentennial commemorations of the Peninsular War on Portuguese soil, we presented the novel The Winding Stair (1968), by Jane Aiken Hodge, a prolific Anglo-American authoress, although largely unknown among us; at the time, we were also seeking to correlate The Winding Stair with the accounts and images, often prejudiced and stereotyped, conveyed by travel literature/writing. However, Jane Hodge has authored over thirty novels, two of which bound to be of interest to Anglo-Portuguese literary and cultural studies: Whispering (1995), set in Oporto at the time of the Peninsular War, and its sequel, Caterina (1999), during the Portuguese liberal and civil wars. This article is therefore dedicated to them both.

Em 2007, no âmbito das comemorações bicentenárias do início da Guerra Peninsular em solo português, tivemos oportunidade de apresentar The Winding Stair (1968), de Jane Aiken Hodge, uma autora anglo-americana bastante prolífica, mas pouco conhecida entre nós; na altura, procurámos anda relacionar The Winding Stair com o contributo global de testemunhos e imagens, muitas vezes preconceituosos e estereotipados, transmitidos pela (ou através da)
literatura/escrita de viagens. Contudo, Jane Hodge tem a seu crédito mais de trinta romances, entre os quais dois outros com interesse para os estudos literários e culturais angloportugueses: Whispering (1995), centrado no Porto contemporâneo da Guerra Peninsular, e a sua sequela, Caterina (1999), já em plenas guerras liberais. É, pois, a ambos que dedicamos este artigo
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)43-52
Number of pages10
JournalVia Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Jane Aiken Hodge
  • Whispering
  • Caterina
  • historical fiction
  • Peninsular War
  • liberal wars
  • ficção histórica
  • Guerra Peninsular
  • guerras liberais

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