O mundo natural americano descrito por Michele de Cuneo (1495): um dos mais precoces registos da flora caribenha

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Born in Liguria (Italy), Michele de Cuneo embarked on the armada that crossed the Atlantic towards Central America. A curious man and observer of nature and native peoples, Cuneo collected vast notes about the world he observed. In the letter he sent to Gerolamo Aimari, the Italian highlighted the peculiarities of the flora, fauna and people of the Caribbean. This essay analyzes this record and, whenever possible, identifies the plant species listed. Revealing one of the earliest testimonies about the American natural world that circulated in Europe, this study highlights the observational qualities of this traveler who analyzed and described plants, animals and people of the New World.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)51-80
Number of pages30
JournalRiMe. Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • Flora americana;
  • História natural do Caribe;
  • Circulação do saber botânico;
  • Cristóvão Colombo;
  • Novo Mundo.
  • American flora
  • Caribbean Natural History
  • Circulation of botanical knowledge
  • Cristobal Colón
  • Gerolamo Aimari
  • New World

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