O estudo do Cenozóico em Portugal continental – “estado da arte” e perspectivas futuras

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A state-of-art on the research done on Portuguese Cenozoic and aims for future researches on this topic are presented. Historically the research evolved in several phases that can distinguished as follow: geological mapping; palaeontological studies, mainly in the distal basin sectors; definition of allostratigraphic units at the basin scale; geomorphology and sedimentology; palaeogeographic reconstitutions; identification of tectonics structures and evolving activity; absolute dating using different methodologies that are in fast development; detailed characterization of the depositional architecture, texture and composition. Portugal mainland has a relevant sedimentary record that documents the geological evolution of the western Iberian margin during the Cenozoic, namely the compressive interaction with the adjacent tectonic plates. The geographical position near the Atlantic Ocean allows us also to evaluate the modifications introduced in the fluvial systems by sea-level and climate changes. In general, the progressive infilling of the Cenozoic basins to the ongoing stage of incision can be studied and interpreted.
Original languageUnknown
Title of host publicationA terra: conflitos e ordem. Hom. A. F. Soares
EditorsP Callapez, R Rocha, J Fonseca, Cunha, LS, Dinis, PM
Place of PublicationCoimbra
PublisherMuseu e Laboratório Mineralógico e Geológico Univ. Coimbra
ISBN (Print)978-989-95994-0-6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008

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