O Diálogo de Robim e do Teólogo e a política na Idade Média portuguesa

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The dialogue in the Portuguese Middle Ages is known for translations of other languages and some innovative texts in their uniqueness. Some of these, however, appears to be part of a textual family and a broader goal shared with other famous works. This is the case of the Diálogo de Robim e do Teólogo whose monastic
origin puts it together with the authors of texts with great circulation in Iberia Peninsula as Martin Perez and Clemente Sanchez Vercial.
But beyond this clear religious dimension, this little dialogue seems to be imbued by other concerns of the Portuguese political situation, in particular the distinction between the scope of secular or civil law and canon law.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)13-25
Number of pages12
JournalLimite: Revista de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Dialogue
  • XV century
  • Law
  • Confession
  • Education

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