Nurse migration in the EU: a moving target?

C Leone, R Young, D Ognyanova, AM Rafferty, JE Anderson, G Dussault

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The nursing profession is the most numerous and increasingly mobile element of the health workforce. Imbalances of nurse supply and demand across the EU/EEA are generating challenges for policy-makers and managers. Increasing mobility within the EU/EEA has been caused by countries targeting others within the
region to fill nursing vacancy posts, although the number of nurses is finite. Data from two studies on migration to the English National Health Service are analysed to provoke a more informed debate on the increasing complexity of migration in the current EU/EEA agenda and the possible consequences for the supply of the nursing workforce.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7
Number of pages10
JournalEuro Observer - Newsletter Of The European Observatory On Health Care Systems
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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