Novel role for Grainy head in the regulation of cytoskeletal and junctional dynamics during epithelial repair

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Tissue repair is critical for the maintenance of epithelial integrity and permeability. Simple epithelial repair relies on a combination of collective cell movements and the action of a contractile actomyosin cable at the wound edge that together promote the fast and efficient closure of tissue discontinuities. The Grainy head family of transcription factors (Grh in flies; GRHL1-GRHL3 in mammals) are essential proteins that have been implicated both in the development and repair of epithelia. However, the genes and the molecular mechanisms that it controls remain poorly understood. Here, we show that Grh knockdown disrupts actomyosin dynamics upon injury of the Drosophila pupa epithelial tissue. This leads to the formation of an ectopic actomyosin cable away from the wound edge and impaired wound closure. We also uncovered that E-Cadherin is downregulated in the Grh-depleted tissue around the wound, likely as a consequence of Dorsal (an NF-κB protein) misregulation, which also affects actomyosin cable formation. Our work highlights the importance of Grh as a stress response factor and its central role in the maintenance of epithelial characteristics necessary for tissue repair through regulating cytoskeleton and E-Cadherin dynamics.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Cell Science
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2018


  • Grainy head
  • Epithelia
  • Wound healing
  • E-Cadherin
  • Cytoskeleton


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