Non-financial reporting: A comparative analysis with a focus on the combat against money laundering – Evidence from major European banks

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter analyzes disclosures on anti-money laundering made by the largest banks in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Directive 2014/95/EU has transformed the way banks with more than 500 employees disclose non-financial information. The findings show that between 2013 and 2017 compliance has increased, while understandability has remained the same. Despite the fact that a common regulation is applied, this research highlights differences and similarities in disclosures of non-financial information among banks. It adds an overview of the non-financial reporting in the banking sector to the literature, which is not limited to a specific country.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationModern regulations and practices for social and environmental accounting
EditorsTeresa Eugénio, Graça Azevedo, Ana Fialho
PublisherIGI Global
Number of pages28
ISBN (Electronic)9781799894124
ISBN (Print)9781799894100, 9781799894117
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022

Publication series

NameAdvances in finance, accounting, and economics book series
PublisherIGI Global
ISSN (Print)2327-5677
ISSN (Electronic)2327-5685


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