Neoterm or neologism? A closer look at the determinologisation process

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This paper arises within the current communication urgency experienced through-out the pandemic. From its onset, several new lexical units have permeated the over-all media discourse, as well as social media and other channels. These units conveyinformation to the public regarding the ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome’ namely COVID-19. In addition to its worldwide impact healthwise, the pandemic generates noteworthy influence in the linguistic landscape, and as a result, a significant number of neologisms have emerged. Within the scope of our ongoing research, we identify the neologisms in European Portuguese that are related to the term COVID-19 via form or meaning. However, not all the new lexical units identified in our corpus containing COVID-19 in its formation can unequivocally be regarded as neoterms (terminological neologisms). Accordingly, this article aims not only to reflect on thedistinction between neologism and neoterm but also to explore the determinologisa-tion process that several of these new lexical units experience.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLexicography of Coronavirus
Subtitle of host publicationrelated Neologisms
EditorsAnnette Klosa-Kückelhaus, Ilan Kernerman
Place of PublicationBerlin
PublisherDe Gruyter
Number of pages24
ISBN (Electronic) 9783110798081
ISBN (Print)9783110795561
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022

Publication series

PublisherDe Gruyter


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