Multitechnique surface analysis system: apparatus description

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50 Citations (Scopus)


A new multitechnique surface analysis system is presented. It has been designed for research on ion-solid interactions and for survey analysis. SIMS, XPS and AES are the main techniques used. Primary sources are an argon source for standard SIMS and a cesium source for negative and cathionized SIMS, a twin anode (Mg and Al) X-ray source for XPS, and a small spot electron gun for AES and low resolution electron microscopy. The mass spectrometer is a modified quadrupole based probe with an energy analyzer. Dynamic and static SIMS are possible as well as depth profiling. Photoelectrons and Auger electrons are analyzed by a true hemispherical energy analyzer that can also be used for ion spectroscopy. A secondary electron detector is also available. Exchanging the samples is possible through a fast entry air lock. In this small chamber a sputter gun is used to clean the sample. The sample under analysis is supported by a XYZ manipulator and can be temperature controlled in the range 130-850 K.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1205-1209
Number of pages5
Issue number8-10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1995
Event4th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-4)/1st Swedish Vacuum Meeting (SVM-1) - Uppsala, Sweden
Duration: 13 Jun 199417 Jun 1994


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