Multi-region routing

Francisco José Dinis de Sousa Fernandes Ganhão, L. Bernardo (Advisor), Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca Pinto (Advisor)

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


This thesis proposes a new inter-domain routing protocol. The Internet's inter-domain routing protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) provides a reachability solution for all domains; however it is also used for purposes outside of routing. In terms of routing BGP su ers from serious problems, such as slow routing convergence and limited scalability. The proposed architecture takes into consideration the current Internet business model and structure. It bene ts from a massively multi-homed Internet to perform multipath routing. The main foundation of this thesis was based on the Dynamic Topological Information Architecture (DTIA). We propose a division of the Internet in regions to contain the network scale where DTIA's routing algorithm is applied. An inter-region routing solution was devised to connect regions; formal proofs were made in order to demonstrate the routing convergence of the protocol. An implementation of the proposed solution was made in the network simulator 2 (ns-2). Results showed that the proposed architecture achieves faster convergence than BGP. Moreover, this thesis' solution improves the algorithm's scalability at the inter-region level, compared to the single region case.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT)
  • Bernardo, Luís Filipe Lourenço, Supervisor
  • Pinto, Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca, Supervisor
Award date1 Jan 2009
Place of PublicationCaparica
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


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