Method for selecting photosynthetic organisms for producing polyhydroxyalcanoates

Research output: PatentInternational PCT application


The present invention relates to a method for producing polyhydroxyalcanoates (PHA) using a mixed culture of selected photosynthetic organisms in a bioreactor preferably operated with illumination in non-sterile and anaerobic conditions and in the presence of at least one carbon source. The preferred carbon sources for the culture are fermentation products such as volatile fatty acids which are continuously used by photosynthetic microorganisms to grow and produce PHA. The present invention also relates to the use of the same mixed culture to ferment sugars in the same bioreactors, without illumination, yielding volatile fatty acids used as the carbon source for cell growth and production of PHA during operation with illumination. In addition, the organisms in the mixed culture can remove phosphates from the liquid phase of the culture medium, making it possible to concentrate and restrict phosphates to the solid fraction of the culture medium.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017085653
IPCC12P 7/ 62 A I
Priority date17/11/15
Filing date17/11/16
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2017


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