Mediation in Lusophone Africa: an Opportunity to Amplify Access to Justice

Mariana França Gouveia, Ana Coimbra Trigo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A purely rights-based approach limits the number of possible solutions in a dispute, whereas mediation broadens the scope of the conflict and increases its conceivable outcomes. Mediation has gained some momentum in Lusophone African countries, since there is evidence of significant mediation practice. This article will examine the broader realm of mediation in access to justice, including its characteristics and examples of state policy for mediation worldwide, the legal framework of mediation in Angola and Mozambique, and state-led initiatives to promote mediation in these countries.
Original languageEnglish
JournalTransnational Dispute Management
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event7th SOAS Arbitration in Africa - online
Duration: 23 Nov 202124 Nov 2021


  • Mediation
  • Lusophone Africa
  • Access to Justice


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