Media Theory and Cultural Technologies: In Memoriam of Friedrich Kittler

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This collection results from a selection of the contributions presented at
the international conference “Cultural Technologies and Media Arts”, coorganized by the Goethe Institut in Portugal and the Research Center in
Communication and Language of the New University of Lisbon. The
purpose behind this initiative was recognizing the importance media
theory has assumed for the understanding of human experience and
culture, in its broader sense, especially under the influence of Friedrich
Kittler (1943-2011), and promoting the discussion of new contributions to
this area, which added concepts like cultural techniques and operativity to
the concept of materialities, central to a post-structuralist media theory,
through essays like the ones by Bernhard Siegert, Sybille Krämer and
Peter Weibel. The transformations brought about by the introduction of the
computer in the plane of relations between our mind, our memory, our
body and our senses, and the way these are reflected in our actions,
productivity and thought are both the direct and indirect horizon of the
reflections presented in this volume. Also in this respect, it pays tribute to
the paths opened up by Friedrich Kittler, which lead to a profound
reflection around digital culture and its archaeology in western culture.
I thank the support given to this initiative by Lisbon’s Goethe Institut and
the Research Center in Communication and Language, and in particular, to
Dr. Joachim Bernauer and Dr. Claudia Hahn-Raabe, the collaboration for
its conception and organization to Maria Augusta Babo and José Gomes
Pinto and the complicity in its execution to Adriana Martins, Manuel
Bogalheiro, Carlos Natálio, Catarina Patrício and Jorge Rodrigues. For the
work of translation and invaluable support given in the editing of these
texts, I also thank Rui Azevedo and Francisco Lima Soares.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherCambridge Scholars Publishing
Number of pages180
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4438-5071-1
ISBN (Print) 1-4438-5071-3
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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