Manuel Pessanha et l’organisation de la flotte portugaise au XIVe siècle

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Manuel Pessanha (Pessagno), issu d’une grande famille génoise, est appele au Portugal en 1317 par le roi Denis, qui le nomme amiral du royamme. Doté de bien fonciers et d’importants privilèges entre 1317 et 1321, il organise avec l’aide d’une vingtaine de ‘sabedores de mar’ la flotte portugaise, participe à l’essor de Lisbonne et de ses arsenaux, et prépare l’expédition vers les Canaries, organisée par le roi Alphonse IV en 1341.

Born into a noble Genovese family, Manuel Pessanha (Pessagno) was called to Portugal in 1317 by King Dinis who named him royal admiral. Endowed with real estate and important privileges between 1317 and 1321, he organized the Portuguese fleet with the help of twenty sabedores de mar, participated in the rise of Lisbon and its arsenals, and prepared the expedition to the Canary Islands sent by Afonso IV in 1341.
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationThe Sea in History
Subtitle of host publicationMedieval World II
EditorsMichel Balard
Place of PublicationParis
PublisherBoydell Press
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)9781783271597
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Manuel Pessanha (Pessagno)
  • D. Dinis
  • Amirauté
  • Marine portugaise
  • King Dinis
  • Admiralty
  • Portuguese Navy

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