Machine Learning to Predict Homolytic Dissociation Energies of C−H Bonds: Calibration of DFT-based Models with Experimental Data

Wanli Li, Yue Luan, Qingyou Zhang, Joao Aires-de-Sousa

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Random Forest (RF) QSPR models were developed with a data set of homolytic bond dissociation energies (BDE) previously calculated by B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//DFTB for 2263 sp3C−H covalent bonds. The best set of attributes consisted in 114 descriptors of the carbon atom (counts of atom types in 5 spheres around the kernel atom and ring descriptors). The optimized model predicted the DFT-calculated BDE of an independent test set of 224 bonds with MAE=2.86 kcal/mol. A new data set of 409 bonds from the iBonD database ( was predicted by the RF with a modest MAE (5.36 kcal/mol) but a relatively high R2 (0.75) against experimental energies. A prediction scheme was explored that corrects the RF prediction with the average deviation observed for the k nearest neighbours (KNN) in an additional memory of experimental data. The corrected predictions achieved MAE=2.22 kcal/mol for an independent test set of 145 bonds and the corresponding experimental bond energies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2200193
Number of pages8
JournalMolecular Informatics
Issue number1
Early online date27 Sept 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • bond energy
  • density functional calculations
  • learning transfer
  • machine learning
  • quantitative structure-property relationship


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