Luisa Carnés: a recuperação de uma voz feminina do início do século XX pela academia e pelas editoras

Translated title of the contribution: Luisa Carnes: the recovery of a female voice from the early 20th century by the academy and editors

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Luisa Carnés foi uma das intelectuais espanholas que, tal como muitos outros, teve de se exilar depois da Guerra Civil e da vitória das tropas de Franco em 1939. Carnés tinha publicado várias obras em Espanha, continuando a escrever no México. No entanto, os seus textos foram esquecidos inclusive depois do regresso da democracia em 1975. No século XXI os universos académico e editorial resgatam esta importante figura da literatura espanhola, integrando-a ou pelo menos aproximando-a do «Nuevo Romanticismo» ou da «Generación del 27», procurando inclui-la devidamente na cultura contemporânea. Abordamos este processo de mediação neste artigo, analisando a relevância nos dias de hoje da perspectiva de Carnés sobre a condição da mulher.

Luisa Carnés was one of the Spanish intellectuals who, like many others, had to go into exile after the Civil War and the victory of Franco's troops in 1939. Carnés had published several works in Spain, continuing to write in Mexico. However, her texts were forgotten even after the return of democracy in 1975. In the 21st century the academic and publishing universes rescue this important figure in Spanish literature, integrating her or at least bringing her closer to the Nuevo Romanticismo or Generación del 27, seeking to properly highlight it in contemporary culture. I approach this mediation process in this paper, analyzing the relevance today of Carnés' perspective on the condition of women.
Translated title of the contributionLuisa Carnes: the recovery of a female voice from the early 20th century by the academy and editors
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)163-176
Number of pages14
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Academia
  • Censorship. XX century. XXI century
  • Literature written by women
  • Luisa Carnés
  • Spanish literature


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