Los espacios de poder en el medio rural: torres de alquería en el mundo nazarí

Raúl González Arévalo, Adela Fábregas García

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The present article deals with a revision of the analysis of one of the most present material structures in Nasrid rural milieu: the alqueria (farmstead) towers. Assumed until now its characterization as minor structures that were part of the Nasrid defensive system, we now launch a new interpretation proposal trying to understand until which point these constructions were the State’s doing as part of its defensive or territorial control plans, or if, on the contrary, we find ourselves before a bastion of peasant communities self-management, from which it could depart the impetus of its building and use, opposite to other State-controlled spaces.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)63-78
Number of pages25
JournalArqueología y Territorio Medieval
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Nazarí
  • Poder
  • Crónicas
  • Alquerías
  • Torres

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