Litostratigrafia do Cenozóico de Portugal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


In Portugal mainland the Cenozoic record occurs largely in several basins. Even in the same basin, the sedimentary record shows meaningful lateral facies and thickness changes. However, the main sedimentary ruptures and overall lithologic characteristics of the infillings stades are quite similar in the same basins, as a result of the geodinamic evolution of Iberia and the Cainozoic times eustatic and climate changes. A stratigraphic framework is proposed in order to allow a less complex use of the lithostratigraphic units as referred in the geological maps and literature. Some topics for future research are suggested.
Original languageUnknown
Title of host publicationGeologia Clássica
EditorsJ.M.C. Neiva, A. Ribeiro, L. Mendes Victor, F. Noronha, M. Magalhães Ramalho
Place of PublicationAssociação Portuguesa de Geólogos (Lisboa)
PublisherNeiva, J. M. C., Ribeiro, A., Victor, L. M., Noronha, F. & Ramalho, M. (edit.) - Ciências Geológicas: Ensino e Investigação.
EditionAssociação Portuguesa de Geólogos (APG)
ISBN (Print)978-989-96669-0-0
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010

Publication series

NameCiências Geológicas: Ensino, Investigação e sua História
PublisherNeiva, J. M. C., Ribeiro, A., Victor, L. M., Noronha, F. & Ramalho, M. (edit.) - Ciências Geológicas: Ensino e Investigação.

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