Lisbon Atomic Database (LISA): a compilation of calculated fundamental atomic parameters

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Abstract: The Lisbon Atomic Database (LISA) has a dedicated mission of compiling and providing a comprehensive collection of atomic parameters for the study of the interaction of X-rays with matter. This encompassing array of parameters spans a broad spectrum, extending from the calculation of electron impact ionization cross sections (EIICS) using the Modified Relativistic Binary Encounter Bethe model (MRBEB), to pivotal data such as fluorescence and Coster–Kronig yields of atomic subshells, binding energies, and the full suite of radiative and non-radiative atomic transition parameters. Except for the EIICS values, all these parameters are obtained through ab initio calculations. These calculations are carried out using a self-consistent ab initio Multi-Configuration Dirac–Fock approach, supported by a specialized code developed by Desclaux, Indelicato, and others (MCDFGME). Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.)
Original languageEnglish
Article number18
Number of pages9
JournalEuropean Physical Journal D
Issue number2
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Feb 2024


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