Linguística e literatura: cruzamentos (im)prováveis

Research output: Working paper

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This text fits in with the evocation of the 90th anniversary of Henriqueta Costa Campos' birth. I will make some comments between the writings of Henriqueta Costa Campos and my work done under the doctoral thesis (Gonçalves, 2010). Thus, I will briefly reflect on the probable or unlikely intersections between linguistics and literature. To this end, it will start from the various conceptions about language / language developed by Plato in Cratylus and its consequences in the apprehension of language within the science that studies it – linguistics. In the final part of the paper, some language potentialities will be illustrated with examples of the corpus of the doctoral thesis.
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisbon
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT
VolumeLinguística & Texto Literário


  • Linguística
  • Literatura
  • Linguistics
  • Literary text
  • WGT

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