Labour Immigration and Capitalist Restructuring in an Internationalist Perspective: - Mainstream Official Policy of ‘Open-Borders’ and Radical Left Case for No-Borders: The IDC, International Dockworkers Council

Raquel Varela, Roberto Della

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the first part of this essay we argued that a Marxist policy of trade unionism cannot defend free circulation as a state policy for itself; nor racism, xenophobia or the closure of national borders. It has to defend free movement of workers from the point of view of international solidarity, carried out in concrete struggles. Higher paid workers and richer countries, if they want to save themselves from social dumping, must, together with the poorest workers, promote common forms of struggle to prevent competition between them. In this second final part we want to present what we think it should be a true path for the internationalist labour movement. We are not making a case out of overthrowing capitalist state or even surpassing commodity form in social relations, but we are just presenting actually existent social struggles on present times that lead to another direction. Let us observe how a simple example of current working-class movement can explain that making history is more then words. ‘In the begining was action’, as Rosa Luxemburg said.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)457-471
Number of pages15
JournalCritique (United Kingdom)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2019


  • Competition
  • Free Movement
  • Internationalism
  • Trade Unionism


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