Knowledge management and supporting tools for collaborative networks

Alok K. Choudhary, Jenny Harding, Luís Manuel Camarinha-Matos, S.C. Lenny Koh, Manoj K. Tiwari

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The special issue of International Journal of Production Research 2013 contains research papers from the area of knowledge management and supporting tools, methods and services for collaborative networks. The first article of this issue 'A Holistic View of Knowledge Integration in Collaborative Supply Chains', by Jayaram and Pathak (2013), discusses a knowledge integration mechanism in collaborative supply chains. The second article, by Renna, 'Decision Model to Support the SMEs Decision to Participate or Leave a Collaborative Network' proposes a decision model to support enterprises in their decisions to participate in or exit from a network of enterprises. The article 'Harnessing Value in Knowledge Management for Performance in BuyerSupplier Collaboration', by Yang, investigates how different knowledge-management processes affect manufacturers' performance in collaborative economic exchanges with their suppliers. The next article 'Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative Supply Chains: Twin Effects of Trust and Power', by Cai discusses the mechanisms underpinning knowledge sharing in supply chains.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1953-1957
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal Of Production Research
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2013

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