Key performance indicators selection through an analytic network process model for tooling and die industry

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In the last few decades, the fast technological development has caused high competitiveness among companies, encouraging a pursuit for strategies that allow them to gain competitive advantage, such as the monitoring of performance by using key performance indicators (KPIs). However, its selection process is complex since there are several KPIs available to evaluate performance and different relationships between them. To overcome this challenge, the use of a multiple criteria decision-making model (MCDM) was proposed, namely the analytic network process (ANP) through which a reduced number of them are prioritized. To identify which KPIs are suitable for the press cast and die manufacturing industry, a literature review was made, and 58 unique KPIs were identified. Thus, to validate the proposed methodology, a case study was carried out in an automotive press molding industry. With the implementation of the proposed ANP model it was possible to identify 9 KPIs that ensure the correct molding process monitoring, while being aligned with the Balanced Scorecard criteria. The results show that the proposed model is suitable for selecting KPIs for the molding industry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number13777
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2021


  • Analytic network process
  • Automotive industry
  • Business intelligence
  • Continuous improvement
  • Key performance indicators


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