title = "Jogos de Identidade: os engenheiros entre a forma{\c c}{\~a}o e a ac{\c c}{\~a}o/ Les enjeux identitaires des ing{\'e}nieurs: entre la formation et l{\textquoteright}action/ The quest for a professional dentity: engineers between trianing and action",
abstract = "This book offers contributions which portray engineers beyond their conventional image, using national case studies both from Europe and from other parts of the world. It adresses questions which have been scarcely explored and unveils unexpected features of these professionals by placing them at the heart of their political, economic and techno-scientific environment. The reader is in this way invited to reflect on the problematic construction of the engineers' professional identity",
keywords = "professional identity, training, engineers",
author = "Diogo, {Maria Paula Pires dos Santos}",
year = "2009",
month = jan,
day = "1",
language = "Unknown",
isbn = "978-972-772-879-4",
series = "CIDEHUS (Extra-Colec{\c c}{\~a}o)",
publisher = "Colibri and {\'E}cole des Hautes {\'E}tudes en Sciences",
edition = "1st",