title = "Investiga{\c c}{\~o}es Bot{\^a}nicas: Jos{\'e} Correia da Serra",
abstract = "This book brings together the Abb{\'e} Correia da Serra's papers on botanical issues. In the introduction the three authors contextualize the Abb{\'e}{\textquoteright}s botanic works within its personal life and career.",
keywords = "botany, 18th century science, Jos{\'e} Correia da Serra (1750-1823)",
author = "Ana Sim{\~o}es and Carneiro, {Ana Maria Oliveira} and Diogo, {Maria Paula Pires dos Santos}",
year = "2003",
language = "Portuguese",
isbn = "972-0-34263-3",
series = "Colec{\c c}{\~a}o Ci{\^e}ncia e Iluminismo",
publisher = "Porto Editora",
number = "3",
edition = "1st",