Invasive mole presenting as a heavily bleeding vaginal lesion 3 weeks after uterine evacuation

Rita Mamede, Mariana Beja, Dusan Djokovic, Cristina Costa

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Gestational trophoblastic disease occurs in 1-3:1000 gestations worldwide. Up to one-fifth of complete hydatidiform moles undergo malignant transformation, with 2%-4% manifesting as metastatic disease. Of these, a third present with vaginal metastases, which can cause bleeding and discharge. We describe the case of a 49-year-old primiparous woman presenting with syncope and intense bleeding from an anterior vaginal lesion, 3 weeks after uterine evacuation for a presumed spontaneous abortion. A vaginal metastatic nodule was suspected; haemostasis was achieved with vaginal packing, precluding the need for surgical intervention. The patient was ultimately diagnosed with invasive mole with vaginal and lung metastases (stage III high-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN)) and started on multiple-agent chemotherapy. Two months later the lesion had regressed completely, and remission was reached 2 weeks later. Clinicians should consider the possibility of metastatic GTN with vaginal involvement whenever heavy vaginal bleeding follows a recent history of failed pregnancy.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere242208
JournalBMJ case reports
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2021


  • gynaecological cancer
  • pregnancy


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