Integrating immigrants as a tool for broad development

Research output: Working paper


International migration can contribute importantly to sustainable economic
growth. The effects of migration for both origin and host countries, however,
depend on immigrant integration. We experimentally evaluate the impact of
information and migrants’ aspirations on immigrant integration using a field
experiment among Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal. The interventions
promote integration outcomes such as migration status regularization and better quality employment of migrants. They furthermore affect those left behind.
While the impact on material remittances is muted, targeting migrant integration
barriers improves democratic processes and attitudes over gender equity in
origin countries. In addition, providing immigrants with better information
sources about integration processes affects migration intentions and
expectations of prospective migrants.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022

Publication series

NameNOVAFRICA Working Paper
ISSN (Electronic)2183-0843


  • International migration
  • Integration
  • Remittances
  • Field experiment


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