Influence of the plasma regime on the structural, optical and transport properties of a-Si: H thin films

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1 Citation (Scopus)


In this work we show that it is possible to control the plasma species present near the substrate surface, from what is usually associated with an α regime (a plasma free of particles) to a γ' regime (a plasma where particles are present) and simultaneously control the energy of the ions striking the substrate during a-Si:H deposition from a silane glow discharge in a modified triode (MT) type PECVD reactor, where a DC mesh electrode biased with Vpol is located in front of the r.f electrode. The presence of large particles in the plasma leads to the deposition of the films with the poorest optoelectronic properties. When the particle size in the plasma decrease the film properties improve, but, when particles are no longer present in the plasma region close to the substrate, like in a α like regime, the properties of the films deteriorate again. The results show that the best transport properties are achieved for the films deposited in the α-γ' transition regime corresponding to 0Vpold ≈ 10-11 (Ωcm)-1, photosensitivity, S ≈ 107, activation energy, ΔE ≈ 0.9 eV, hydrogen content, CH ≈ 10%, factor of microstructure, R ≈ 0.085 and an optical gap, Eop ≈ 1.77 eV.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)583-586
Number of pages4
JournalBioceramics 18, Pts 1 And 2
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • Amorphous Silicon
  • Ion Bombardment
  • Langmuir Probe
  • Plasma Regime


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