Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework

David Sotto-Mayor Machado, Vítor Santos

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The article finds context and the current state of the art in a systematic literature review on intelligent systems employing PRISMA Methodology which is complemented with narrative literature review on disabilities, digital accessibility and legal and standards context. The main conclusion from this review was the existing gap between the available knowledge, standards, and law and what is put into practice in higher education institutions in Portugal. Design Science Research Methodology was applied to output an Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework aiming to help higher education professors to share accessible pedagogic content and deliver on-line and presential classes with a high level of accessibility for students with different types of disabilities, assessing the uploaded content with Web content Accessibility Guidelines 3.0, clustering students according to their profile, conscient feedback and emotional assessment during content consumption, applying predictive models and signaling students at risk of failing classes according to study habits and finally applying a recommender system. The framework was validated by a focus group to which experts in digital accessibility, information systems and a disabled PhD graduate.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2423
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Automation and Smart Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Intelligent Systems
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Digital Accessibility
  • Affective Computing
  • International Legal Framework


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