Immersing educators in senses and artistry through the artistic experience of the online music theatre piece PaPI Opus 8.z

Ana Isabel Pereira, Helena Rodrigues, Paulo Maria Rodrigues

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Companhia de Música Teatral (CMT)’s artistic-educative constellations model has linked education and artistic practice. The need for immersive training experiences based on the concept of communicative musicality is advocated in this model. That was accomplished in the GermInArte project (2015-2018) and pollinated for the Mil Pássaros project (Thousand Birds). This comprises the musical-theatre piece PaPI-Opus 8.z shared with educators, parents, and children and conceived to be performed by Zoom to family audiences during pandemics.
Over thirty online performances were presented between 2020 and 2022 to families with babies and children, kindergarten classes and educators, primary school classes, and children at the hospital. There were spectators from Portugal, Brazil, the USA, Israel, and Spain.
The piece is part of z.Lab Thousand Birds, an online training program in arts for childhood that views training as a holistic process that includes the fruition and deconstruction of artistic experiences, such as PaPI-Opus 8.z. The program aims to demonstrate ways to provide educators and teachers with a vivid way to engage in arts during training courses and lifelong learning.
Recorded video excerpts that might catalyze educators’ involvement in arts for childhood and their artistry are presented. They illustrate how PaPI-Opus 8.z emphasizes communication experiences. It is possible to relate the overall approach with mother-infant interactions, arguing that arts provide a special attachment and collective intersubjectivity. We deconstruct the piece reflecting on the common ground between art and playfulness in a continuum that involves all senses (despite PaPI-Opus 8. z being presented in Zoom), which is a strong focus in the SenseSquared project.
The z.Lab Thousand Birds training program is being improved and expanded in the scope of the SenseSquared project. Future work involves searching for ways to help educators and teachers feed their communicative impulses and “open the gates of their inner musicality.” We argue that educators must have first-person experiences and feel the arts’ benefits. Then they will be ready to share their own experience with children and families.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Network of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children
Subtitle of host publicationMaking music as we grow up
EditorsJèssica Pérez-Moreno , Claudia Gluschankof
Place of PublicationBarcelona
PublisherMERYC EuNet
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)978-84-09-54542-1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event11th Conference
of the European Network of Music Educators
and Researchers of Young Children
- Autonomous University , Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 4 Jul 20237 Jul 2023


Conference11th Conference
of the European Network of Music Educators
and Researchers of Young Children


  • z.Lab Thousand Birds
  • arts for childhood
  • immersive training
  • communicative musicality
  • SenseSquared project
  • PaPI-Opus 8.z
  • audience studies

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