Images postcoloniales: de la révolution des Œillets aux processus d’indépendance

Translated title of the contribution: Postcolonial images: From the carnation revolution to the independence processes. Publications for propaganda, resistance and freedom (1974-1984)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


À partir de l’étude du rapport indissociable entre histoire et photographie, ainsi que des formes de hiérarchisation des pouvoirs déterminant leur production et leur archivage, cet article analyse les images de la fin de l’empire colonial portugais, publiées dans des ouvrages de propagande et de contestation, de 1974 à 1984. Il offre une lecture comparative des contextes angolais et mozambicain. Caractériser les mécanismes de diffusion et de réception des images dites postcoloniales permet de reconsidérer leur dimension éthique et politique et de mieux appréhender le rôle de l’image dans la représentation de ce processus dans diverses parties du monde. La lecture croisée d’une sélection d’ouvrages éminemment photographiques tels que Resistência popular generalizada (Angola), Da resistência à libertação (Mozambique) ou Imagens de uma revolução (Portugal), éclaire la manière dont ils ont mis en relation deux forces apparemment opposées qui se sont mutuellement renforcés : l’indépendance des territoires et des peuples colonisés et la fin du régime dictatorial qui les opprimait.

Drawing on the double premise of the indissociable relationship between history and photography and the existence of power hierarchy mechanisms determining the production and archiving of photographic images, this article analyses the images of the end of the Portuguese colonial empire found in propaganda and protest publications from 1974 to 1984 and offers a comparative reading of the Angolan and Mozambican contexts. The characterisation of the mechanisms of diffusion and reception of so-called postcolonial images permits a reconsideration of their ethical and political dimensions and a better understanding of the role of the image in the representation of this process in different parts of the world. A comparison of a selection of photographic publications Resistência popular generalizada (Angola), Imagens de uma revolução (Mozambique) and Da resistência à libertação (Portugal) brings out the way the juxtaposition of two seemingly opposed dynamics in fact served to mutually reinforce them: the independence of the colonised territories and peoples and the end of the dictatorial regime that was oppressing them.
Translated title of the contributionPostcolonial images: From the carnation revolution to the independence processes. Publications for propaganda, resistance and freedom (1974-1984)
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)231-246
Number of pages16
JournalPerspective (France)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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