Iberian Liturgical Offices Celebrating Military Successes: Echoes of Victory in a Plainchant Fragment (Coimbra, Biblioteca Municipal, B60-36)

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


While analysing plainchant fragments preserved at the Biblioteca
Municipal de Coimbra, I came across a folio from a 16th-century
dismembered antiphoner reused as a cover for a later account
book (fragment P-Cm B60-36). The closing text of the only
complete antiphon still visible, especially the ending words (populis
machometi), immediately evoked the liturgical Offices celebrating
the Christian victory at Rio Salado (1340) over the ruler of
Morocco and the King of Granada joined armies. To my knowledge,
however, none of the Portuguese surviving texts contain an
antiphon with that fragment's exact wording. Several possibilities
arose: perhaps it belonged to a distinct version indeed designed for
the commemoration of the Battle of Salado, or it could be the
evidence of another Office celebrating a different military event. In
any case, P-Cm B60-36 seems to justify a broader consideration of
Iberian liturgies commemorating military victories: my paper aims
to outline the main features of this thematic context.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
EventLost & Found: Traces of Early Music. An International Colloquium on Fragmentology. - Cascais, Portugal
Duration: 19 Jul 202322 Jul 2023


ConferenceLost & Found: Traces of Early Music. An International Colloquium on Fragmentology.
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