"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids are gonna love it"

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This essay was written for the roundtable discussion entitled Why the 1980s? proposed by L’Internationale whithin the framework of the cycle When Were the 1980s? curated by Luís Trindade, Ana Bigotte Vieira, and Giulia Bonali and organized by Instituto de História Contemporânea in Lisbon from 10 to 21
April 2015.
The general purpose of the debate, one of the last sessions of the cycle, was to reflect on the contemporary readings of the 1980s from the perspective of the projects each panellist has been undertaking, drawing parallels and differences among them.
The text aims at bringing to the forefront some of the reasons that led When Were the 1980s? to address this periodization as a question, followed by some examples that suggest that it is difficult to place the Portuguese 1980s exactly between 1980 and 1989.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDecolonising Museums
Place of PublicationGhent
Number of pages25
ISBN (Electronic)e-book
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Museums, Decolonising Knowledges, Gulbenkian, 1980s


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