Hybrid Assessment Method for Software Engineering Decisions.

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During software development, many decisions need to bemade to guarantee the satisfaction of the stakeholders'requirements and goals. The full satisfaction of all of these requirements and goals may not be possible, requiringdecisions over conflicting human interests as well as technological alternatives, with an impact on the qualityand cost of the final solution. This work aims at assessing the suitability of multi-criteria decision making(MCDM) methods to support software engineers' decisions. To fulfil this aim, a HAM (Hybrid AssessmentMethod) is proposed,which gives its user the ability to perceive the influence different decisionsmay have on thefinal result. HAMis a simple and efficientmethod that combines one single pairwise comparison decision matrix(to determine theweights of criteria)with one classicalweighted decisionmatrix (to prioritize the alternatives).To avoid consistency problems regarding the scale and the prioritizationmethod, HAMuses a geometric scale forassessing the criteria and the geometric mean for determining the alternative ratings.
Original languageUnknown
Pages (from-to)208-219
JournalDecision Support Systems
VolumeVolume 51
Issue numberNA
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011

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