How relationship norms affects consumers’ responses in sharing economy

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


This research reveals a novel perspective on sharing economy peer providers, relationship norms, and customer loyalty. In a series of 16 experimental studies, this thesis demonstrates that customers-provider relationships based on communal (vs. exchange) norms improve customers’ outcomes towards service providers. Chapter 1 explores service failure in sharing economy, suggesting that consumers' emotional and behavioral responses depend on the accommodation provider type: communal (e.g., Airbnb hosts, personal providers) versus exchange (e.g., hotels, commercial hosts). It further shows the key underlying mechanisms that mediate the effects (authenticity and social interactions). Chapter 2 draws on relationship norms to suggest that relationship type—whether communal ("Airbnb host") or exchange ("hotel")—influences consumer forgiveness in a post-recovery context, and this effect is driven via two key processes (1) social recovery (2) communal norms. Chapter 3 and 4 further refine this theory to suggest that perceived warmth and social ties moderate such effects. In particular, the findings indicate that establishing social ties with consumers is beneficial for communal providers, revealing that the impact of social ties depends on relationship norms (communal vs. exchange). It further demonstrates that the strength of social ties has a substantial impact on consumers' loyalty for communal providers but are not expected in exchange relationships.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS)
  • Pinto, Diego Costa, Supervisor
Award date29 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2021


  • Authenticity
  • Empathy
  • Relationship norms
  • Loyalty
  • Sharing economy
  • Service recovery
  • Social ties


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