Hinge epistemology, kink-free enactivism and a biological argument against radical scepticism

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This paper focuses on Moyal-Sharrock’s interpretation of Wittgenstein’s concept of “hinges”, as presented in her recent book Certainty in Action: Wittgenstein on Language, Mind and Epistemology. Moyal-Sharrock’s “Hinge Epistemology” proposes that basic certainties, or hinges, resist the regress problem of epistemic justification, serving as ungrounded and nonpropositional foundations of knowledge. This aligns with her “Kink-free Enactivism”, which responds to Hutto and Myin’s perspective on the kinky emergence of higher forms of cognition. While Moyal-Sharrock rejects the idea that intrinsic biological structures determine noncognitive certainties, I suggest that we explore the possibility of integrating a biological dimension into her framework to better address the challenge of external world scepticism.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Oct 2024


  • Enactivism
  • Hinge epistemology
  • Moyal-sharrock
  • Radical scepticism
  • Wittgenstein

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